Recent Reviews

Autumn Duchess

Antonia, Duchess of Roxton, has been in mourning for three years.  Wed at a very young age to the love of her life, the Duke of Roxton’s death has left her adrift with no reason or desire to go on.  Her family are at their wits end as they watch her spend hours each day sitting by her beloved’s resting place.  She is still an incredible beauty who has so much of life ahead, if she would only lo

Not Quite Zen
Cindy A.

Harmony Hasting's life is turning out to be anything but harmonious. She’s just returned from her vacation to find the nursing home where she works, has hired a new doctor.  Is is the delicious Dr. Milburn Warrick or Dr.

Dee Wells can’t figure out what’s wrong.  All around her are faceless beings with black blobs for eyes.  All she recognizes are voices.  She has witnessed a murder, and her boyfriend is dead.  She saw his assailant, but can’t identify him because she can’t see his face!  Dee is an artist and owns an art gallery in New York City where she has made her living drawing and interpreting the faces ar


His Lady Godiva 

Lucky For Her

Lana is pregnant, alone and fleeing her abusive ex-husband.  Desperate to keep the pregnancy a secret until she is safe, Lana keeps a low profile. Finally, Lana’s sister convinces her to attend a hometown party of an old friend.  While there, she meets the most amazingly handsome man!  Lana’s past tells her she can trust no one, but with Lucky, her walls seems to crumble.
