Recent Reviews

Broken Promises

FBI Special Agent Alex MacGregor has a problem with keeping promises made. Time and again, breaking promises has caused heartbreak and not just his own. Case in point, Bette Smithson, he saves her from a stalker, finds her a safe haven, a job, then leaves her with a scorching kiss, promising to call her.

Imperfect Beauty

Alasdair Buchanan has crossed the pond of the great Atlantic to visit his cousin, Trevor. Alasdair, a native Scot, is a long way from home in a place he cannot see, though the sounds are familiar at the Highland games being held in Fort Wayne, Indiana. When Trevor abandons Alasdair to his own devises, Trisha Wright captivatingly enters the scene.

Melody Moon is an author. Her series of the "Double Uglies" reflects her misfit childhood. Searching for a refuge for her young daughter after an accident, Melody buys Catalpa Hall and returns to her past. It is only after buying the old place that she realizes that the acreage includes a pond holding dark secrets.  These secrets are still able to destroy her and the happiness she may find.

Trusting the Law

Grace‘s desperate state has forced her into a life of crime. After all, being an owner of a bar that serves bootleg liquor is a dangerous avocation in Chicago in 1922. Prohibition is in full force, and anyone suspected of selling (or even drinking) it, is considered a criminal.

A Facebook Affair

Kelly Littleton has been hesitant about joining Facebook, but after a (big) nudge from her best friend, she decides to bite the bullet and simply do it. Kelly has a hearing impairment. Her childhood wasn’t easy - as someone different in a public school she was constantly teased by the mean girls. The only bright spot was Brandon and his friendship. So, the first person she looks up is Brandon.
