Recent Reviews

River’s Edge
Erin Keyser

Kasia Maier wants to be a biologist and the Painted Turtle program in Thomson, Illinois is an excellent place for her to start—except that her mother has always warned her to stay far away from two things: men and water.

Jocylene Sanders' life has been anything but easy. A do-nothing foster parent is all she’s ever had and even though she’s legally old enough to walk away, she won’t. She can’t leave behind her foster siblings and she’s got a plan to make a better life for them.

Kerri King is the president of an affluent brokerage company. On 9/11, her luck runs out, as 338 of her employees working in the Trade Center perish. On the same day the United States goes to war against terrorism, Kerri goes to war for the families left behind. 

Celtic Blood
James John

Seward has been shipwrecked.  When he washes ashore in Scotland and is rescued by Kenneth MacAedh, Earl of Ross, he vows his loyalty to him.  This vow takes on new meaning when Seward becomes embroiled in an age-old feud between the Clan MacAedh and King Alexander, both claiming rights to the throne of Scotland.  When

Tess was a smart, athletic and accomplished high-schooler.  She had to be, in order to get herself into college on an academic and track scholarship.  While training for track she meets Chris, her team’s assistant coach.
