Recent Reviews

Vortex: Return of the Effra
Lindsey J.

Sam is attending University, but her heart isn’t in it.  Her father just died, she isn’t close to her stepmother, and she doesn’t have any interest in her classes.  She is also having unusual dreams about a strange man in a magical realm.  Little does she realize that the man and the realm are real, and she will soon meet and experience both.  

Her Prairie Knight
Bower (Jennifer Quinlan, Editor)

When Miss Beatrice Lansell arrives at her brother's ranch for a holiday, she is swept away by the majesty of Montana and the promise of a future far away from the strictures of East Coast society.  Accompanied by her mother, assorted relatives and a peer of the realm from England, Trix has spent the trip dodging her mother's endless attempts to match her with Sir Redmond.  The handsome cowboy s

Max Tate rents an apartment from his father, Ralph Tate, in the small community of Ft. Freedom, located on the Puget Sound. He is an auto mechanic with an adopted son. Max has reached a crossroads in his life, feeling a need to locate his birthmother, but his adopted parents are leery to share the truth of his past.

A Bright Particular Star

The young and capricious Sophie Devereux must escape from Ludstone Hall and the impending nuptials planned for her by Aunt Eudora Sloane. Sophie cannot resign herself to the arranged marriage with her cousin, Peregrine (Perry). In her effort to flee to London, she lands in the unsuspecting Theo Cavanaugh's lap.

Dancing with Wild Woman
Parris Afton

The Hopi tribe believes that dancing will help keep the world in balance.  Janet Lomayestewa is a strong, fierce Hopi woman who is a tracker for the US Customs Service, ICE. Listening to what she calls "The Voice" she returns home to the reservation.
