Recent Reviews

Coup de Grâce
Paul L. Centeno

SCI-FI: The world is dying. Machines and industry are taking over and polluting the land. The ways of the old gods and nature are dying off too with this dramatic change. Kaimo, an optometrist who doubles as a miner to get by, has never known another life despite often dreaming for one.

PARANORMAL: Johnathan Newman is no longer human. Learning how to navigate his new life and abilities as a hellhound is proving to be very difficult for him, and on top of that, he is accompanied by a Vampire named Vic who he happens to be falling madly in love with. It doesn’t seem like life could get any more complicated – that is until the Society goes on the hunt for the pair.

Rewrites of the Heart
Terry Newman

Romance author, JJ Spritely, wakes up one morning, surprised to find two main characters from one of her books have literally come out of the pages. The characters, Blake Teesdale and Alex Zurich, are determined to find their way back into their “home,” but to do that, they must help JJ with her own personal love life.

HISTORICAL: After dealing with her abusive grandfather for so long, Serena finally decides to follow through with her plans to run away. As she makes her way through a storm, she stumbles upon a stable where she stops with her horse for the night. Little does she know the stable belongs to Nathanial Greystoke, the heir to Greystoke Manor.

HISTORICAL/PARANORMAL: In Scotland in 1322, Aileana Montgomerie is connected to the power of the earth through her bare feet. She is a skilled archer at a time when women’s skills are downplayed to placate the egos of the men around them.
