Recent Reviews

Scimitar Magus Dakar is back from purgatory and ready to party. Well, more like destroy his ancient enemy, but it’s pretty much the same thing. Almost immediately, however, he runs into her. Shay, she is called in this life. The one woman he is cursed to love and then to die by her hand over and over again.

A Change of Plans
Donna K.

NEW ADULT:  Once upon a time, on a boat far, far away there was a woman looking for some uncomplicated fun on a cruise. Lyn had been burned badly by her cheating fiancé. Not only did he die on her, he did it scandalously, in the company of his mistress.

NEW ADULT:  A long time ago, the Elementals made a pact… They would create Castes and take turns enriching the planets and the humans-until Fire cleanses everything. Millennia later, the time has come for the Fire Caste…


URBAN FANTASY:  There’s nothing like living the teenage dream. Maribel has had a very happy life so far, despite the fact her parents died when she was little.

Lana Bloom, desperate to buy the treatment that could save her mother’s life, does not possess the funds necessary to achieve that goal. With all avenues exhausted, she has no recourse left but to sell the only asset of value she possesses. . .her virginity. 
