Reviews - Contemporary

Grace Delchamp is a New Orleans singer with a beautiful voice and a fun rapport with her audience. A bandmate, Brent, wants her, but she’s not interested. She wakes up one morning with Brent beside her, and realizes that she has been assaulted. She leaves New Orleans abruptly and returns to her family and friends in Bon Chance, LA, to regain her footing and to soak up some love.

Martin “Rock” Ferris, dependable firefighter with the Center City Fire Department, has been having a relationship of convenience… aka hookups… with Kate Turner, Sergeant with the Center City Police Department for quite a while, but he’s getting tired of it.

Madeline Everly, Mads to friends and family, has had too many things go wrong in her life lately, leaving her single, paying half of the rent for an apartment she can no longer live in, and sleeping on the couch in her sister’s one bedroom cottage… not to mention the lousy job she has at the only realtor’s office in town where she’s treated as nothing more than a pretty face by her chauvinistic

Newly elected mayor of New Hope, Jill Howell, has always been the shy, quiet type. When she brazenly enters a contest for America’s favorite small town, she never thought they’d actually become a finalist. Now Jill must recreate some past town events to get magazine worthy photos and put New Hope on the path to rejuvenation, to bring people back.

Qara Whitaker loves her job, despite the endless hours. She’s on the verge of a promotion when her grandmother surprises her with a trip to Mongolia to visit their family. Unable to say no, she packs her laptop and boards a plane in the hopes of learning more about her heritage – in between working. She never expects that a shared cab ride would change everything.
