Her Rock (Center City First Responders, Book 2)


Martin “Rock” Ferris, dependable firefighter with the Center City Fire Department, has been having a relationship of convenience… aka hookups… with Kate Turner, Sergeant with the Center City Police Department for quite a while, but he’s getting tired of it. Unbeknownst to Kate, Rock’s feelings have morphed into far more than she’s interested in, and him not being able to tell her how he really feels is killing him inside. Kate is far too afraid of having her heart smashed to pieces to let Rock be more than a casual hookup, but when things with her job go south in spectacular fashion, through no real fault of her own, Rock is there to protect her, whether she’s ready for all that means or not.

Welcome back to Center City and the dedicated people who serve it! Rock and Kate make quite the awesome couple, with chemistry so sizzling one will need to use their e-readers as fans! Rock is a big hunk of deliciousness with a heart of gold, the kind of guy every girl hopes to find. Kate is feisty and gutsy, yet her determination to stand on her own two feet and keep Rock at arm’s length can get a little tiresome. How their relationship swiftly changes from hookups to a solidly in love relationship is a little hard to believe, but doesn’t really spoil the story. Secondary characters add fun and will leave the reader wanting their stories too. Ms. Torres sure knows how to write a hunk that will make it onto every girl’s Book Boyfriend list! Thoroughly enjoyable!

Piper Valentine