Recent Reviews

The Letter Carrier

HISTORICAL YOUNG ADULT: Travel back to WWII and the German’s march across Europe as it reaches the French countryside. What would one do if they found themselves controlled by a tyrannical power and only had their loved ones and their faith to see them through?

Lady Edith is between a rock and a hard place. Due to foolish behavior on her part, the London season is nearly over and she remains without a suitor in sight. Her father will have none of it, and so she madly pours out her feelings in her music. Griffin Paxton, the Earl of Eastern, is drawn to Edith like a moth to a flame. But she is a woman full of passion and is all wrong for him.

A widow, Lady Delia Fitzwallace, has settled with her three children in Ashmead, putting distance between herself and her overbearing father-in-law, the duke. Country life offers freedom until she comes face to face with the ever so proper Earl of Clarion - her landlord and neighbor! David doesn’t know what to make of Delia.

Klint St. John is content working as the local bank teller in the small town of Tonica, Texas… Until the day Miss Varina Carroll walks through the doors. Suddenly, his world changes and he has no idea how to reconcile his future with the past he so desperately needs to leave behind. Varina knows her father is dying.

Confessions of a Glamour Girl
Kirsten S.

Lily Astor has always been looked upon as a rich, entitled daddy’s girl, a stereotype that is not accurate and one she is determined to rise above. So she lands a job and works to launch her own brand of vintage fashion.  She is willing to work hard, but her incredibly suave and debonair older boss is a distraction she is finding impossible to ignore.
