Recent Reviews

Cushioned between the fulfilling feeling of a great vacation and the gaining of a new lead to solving one of the puzzles from her daunting past, Miriam Becker is in one of her best elements. The arrival of a fellow operative with whom they had shared childhood roots cuts short her refreshing moments.

Under a Sunburnt Sky

Nacha and her family are busy going about their daily lives in Warsaw, Poland, when a dark cloud hits the town. The arrival of the Nazis and their evil agenda of segregating the Jews in ghetto settlements throws Nacha’s family in great despair. They think their lives are over when they find themselves within the confinement of the concrete walls of the ghetto.

Sonia Michaelson is a varulfur (werewolf) with an enormous responsibility to help new and reluctant “bitten in” shifters control their very first shift so that they do not go insane. Her job as the leitar (seeker) and her boyfriend, Tyler Vidarsson’s job as kennari (teacher) is ordained by the Norse Gods.

Embark on an exclusive vacation enterprise! The Time Capsule Resort (TCR) employs time travel technology engineered by Walter Doyle. On its maiden voyage to ferry one hundred guests from 2117 New York to 1888 Arizona, the TCR goes off course and lands on the outskirts of Devil’s Creek. The craft loses its cloaking device in the mishap and Wally is the only one who can fix it.

What is fame, but an ephemeral cage for the gilded butterfly? In the rock-and-roll world of Midas Lear, the future of his music empire depends on passing his magical Golden Guitar to the worthiest of his three daughters, Glissanda, Rubata, and Chorda. This enchanted event takes place in front of millions of fans in a televised reality show, Kickin’ It With Midas.
