Recent Reviews

Dreams of Fate

Blair Coal, a young teaching assistant, finally wakes up from a coma—only to realize she’d met the man of her dreams while she was asleep. Cue dream man, Tyler Shoan, a firefighter put into a coma after trying to save a civilian. Blair, while still in recovery tries to find Tyler, but his stubborn, skeptical cousin, Regan Stoan, is right there to stand in her way.


Lawrence Ellison and Kate McCoy are on their way home from a romantic getaway to the Southern California desert when they come across a young girl on the side of the road. The girl does not speak and barely moves a muscle. Kate feels an urge and a pull to find out who this girl is and where her family is.

Tessa Meadows is home. Though not for long. Tessa has a plan. She’s preparing to move to the Big Apple. As Tessa helps her small town with different events, she comes into contact with two handsome men. An old high school acquaintance, Richard Bruce the handsome single doctor, and Jonas Rishel, a man that is far out of her realm and Amish.

Yun'sara: Book Two of the Twelve Dimensions
Paul L. Centeno
Narrator: Courtney Holly

The universe of Ensar is under attack by koth’vurians, but most people and most leaders aren’t ready to accept that they are back, because holy scriptures have deemed them gone. Shirakaya is the leader of a motley crew of mercenaries, who are trying to do several things. They need to earn money, so they take on mercenary missions.

Time of the Wolf
Julie A. D'Arcy
Narrator: Matt Haynes

This story deserves 6 stars! Keilah is the actual princess of Carrum Bahl, and is sent forward in time by the sorcerer Brekan to find Radin Hawk, but gets captured by slave traders instead. Hawk witnesses her capture on the beach from a high bluff, but loses her in the nearby city. As he is leaving the city, he spots her displayed as a slave.
