Recent Reviews

Sandra Z. Bruney
Narrator: Sandra Z. Bruney

Damaris Tilghman has lost everything at the throw of her father’s dice. He gambles away their home, all of his assets, and her future. Devastated from the loss, he commits suicide, leaving Damaris with nothing. Unsure of what else to do, she accepts the marriage proposal of wealthy planter Matthew Pope. For a time, they’re happy and their love seems to grow by the day.

The Viscount's Vow (Veteran’s Club #2)
Julie Coulter Bellon
Narrator: Jessica Elisa Boyd

When Edward Rutledge returned home from the war, he did so as a different man. Now the new Viscount Carlisle, he must come to terms with the horrors he witnessed on the battlefield—including the death of his best friend Marcus. Unable to cope, he breaks off his betrothal with the love of his life, Charlotte.

The Seal of Daemons (The Watchers Book 2)
RR Pearl
Narrator: John York

LGBTQ: After holding off the New Watchers at the tomb of a fallen angel, Rafe and Alec thought they’d have the chance to breathe. Alas, they are taken on a new adventure when the Praesidium has gotten word that the New Watchers are on the hunt for the ring of King Solomon. Once more Alec, Clemy, Rafe, and Enoch travel around the world to unravel the mystery behind the location of the ring.

Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl (The Quill Collective Book #5)
Tessa Dare (foreword), Christina Boyd, Joana Starnes, Amy D'Orazio, Jenetta James, Karen Cox, Christina Morland, Elizabeth Adams, Beau North, J. Croft, Leigh Dreyer
Narrator: Elizabeth Grace

