Recent Reviews

A Smuggler’s Last Song
Ellis Summers

Emma Grant has been appointed–or rather, threatened–into taking on a new project for her grandfather, Richard Grant, who does not take no for an answer. His devious methods to convince Emma that her immediate assistance is mandatory only reinforces Emma’s wish that this will be the last time her grandfather will make such demands.

Fraternal twins, Jo-Jo and Bronka Lubinski are coming of age in the tumultuous 1960s. Studying at a New York City college, they live at home with their parents. Their father is a Holocaust survivor who has always kept his family close and his emotions buried. Their mom gave up being a nursing for marriage.

HISTORICAL: Mariana de Allerston is a postulate in the infamous Whitby Abbey, not by choice but by her father’s decree. Declaring her willful and disobedient, he has placed her in the care of the Abbess, a woman whose soul is as black as the raven she keeps.

HISTORICAL: Seventeen-year-old Harmony Fitzroy might be shy when it comes to conversations, but when she sits down at a pianoforte her talent shines. So, it is with delight and trepidation that she accepts an invitation to take part in the Christmas Eve concert at the Assembly Rooms in Bath—her first public performance!

A wish made at a teenage slumber party becomes a motto for Rebecca Watson. She cannot give her heart to one who readily puts himself in danger. The daughter of wealthy parents, Rebecca has missed one essential element of childhood—love. Now Rebecca’s dream is to provide a safe place for teens in a rough Chicago neighborhood to meet, study, and play sports.
