Recent Reviews

Rowan Baird is a witch with defective powers. Living a mundane life as Technical Writer at a large supernatural law firm in Portland, she endures her coworkers’ ridicule with the support of her best friend, and more talented witch, Tabitha. Alex Kouris is her new boss and IT director. On his first day on the job, Alex and Ro succumb to their surprising attraction and share a kiss.

HISTORICAL: Taking a chance at unrequited love? Olivia Fitzroy is the eldest of twelve female Fitzroy cousins. When nearly the entire Fitzroy family descends upon the family home in Chalcroft for Christmas, the house is filled with boisterous noise and joyful reunions.

HISTORICAL: Dr. Stuart Walsingham has been courting Miss Caroline Fitzroy, stepdaughter of a wealthy and well-connected gentleman, for the better part of a year and has finally mustered up the courage to ask for her hand. The charming young doctor who has risen from poverty will need to work very hard to maintain Miss Fitzroy in her comfortable lifestyle.

FANTASY: Gladriel used to be the top warrior angel. Her task: protect the humans and save them from harm. When she kills a demon, something she shouldn’t have been able to do, she brings on the wrath of the other demons. Rather than letting the Almighty handle the situation, Gladriel takes things into her own hands and gets expelled from Heaven.

SUSPENSE/THRILLER: Homecoming was supposed to be the best night of the students at Villa Vista High’s lives! Instead, it ends up being their last night alive. When tragedy strikes the school, the students are forced to remain on the grounds in the afterlife: a place that resembles Hell a whole lot more than Heaven. There, they must uncover the mystery of their deaths.
