Recent Reviews

FANTASY: A universe bound by three worlds: one of gods, one of magic, and one of men. Elika, an orphan who wanders the streets of Terren, watches every day as more men and women take the bridge–the Bridge to Magic. Her entire life she has watched people give up their lives in Terren and face death as they perish crossing the bridge, or make it to the Deadlands on the other side.

HISTORICAL: Lady Remington, “Remi” Hartfield has been sent away by her self-absorbed mother and dismissed by her demanding father. She has never known love in her life. It’s the one thing she dreams of feeling. If only there were someone—just one person—willing to show her real love. Meanwhile, Vicar Adam Carstairs is trying to avoid his past.

HISTORICAL: Hermes de Norville wakes from a horrible dream where he sees a woman hanging over a cliff. Hermes then wanders aimlessly about, coming upon a village at the foot of a cursed place, known as Castle Draygon. Hermes drinks alone at a tavern until a beautiful woman, Lady Catrine de la Pare, also known as the “Angel of Death”, arrives asking the villagers for help.

HISTORICAL: Miss Katarina “Kitty” Fitzroy is bored with all the Christmas season activities her family has planned. Kitty doesn’t want to even spend time with them, preferring to hang out in the cowshed watching the milkmaids milk the cows. When a family friend, Luke, arrives and brings his coachman, Isaac Emmett, Kitty is intrigued by him.

As Lady Vanessa Hughes prepares for her come-out, her brother betroths her to Lord Hockley, who physically and verbally abuses her. Lord Hockley then deserts Vanessa to the country, and when he dies, she is moved to the dower house. Vanessa’s stepson later tells her she must vacate the house. So, Vanessa angrily goes to her husband’s grave, not knowing what to do.
