Reviews - Young Adult / New Adult

Witches (Runes #6)

PARANORMAL:  Raine Cooper is not your average teen girl; in the past few weeks she has learned she is an immortal seer and a witch with some outrageous power.

FANTASY/FAIRYTALE:  Lily is Crown Princess of Ituria, the eldest of twelve.  Since her 21st

SCI-FI:  During WWI, a meteorite hit earth and alien DNA scattered, affecting the soldiers.


PARANORMAL:  Shy, studious Sophia lives in a tiny town in Montana.

Although still just in high school, Mia Crawford has had to deal with more scary things than imaginable! As a “Prophet”, she not only sees the angels, demons and monsters that dwell among us, she also has visions of things to come.  The only thing saving her from going crazy at times is the love of her lifetimes, Michael.
