Reviews - Suspense/Thriller

Fated Always

Tala Gael thinks her life is planned out until Sawyer Gavin, her long-time friend, returns to town. With a desire to spend more time with Tala and rekindle their friendship, Sawyer confesses his reason for returning. He wants Tala.

Olivia “Liv” Sullivan is a natural psychic. She dreams of the dead and the circumstances of their deaths. She often hears their last words, and as a teenager, relays those last words to the intended recipients with tragic results. Grown and working as a telephone psychic for a fake psychic group, she receives an eerie call to return home to Sullivan Farms in Cascade Hills, Ohio.

Josephine ‘Jo’ Rayburn and Rhys Harrison work well together. She is a detective who is hiding part of her past from Rhys, while he works as a coroner’s assistant, after dropping out of medical school to care for his mentally handicapped brother. There’s a new drug in town, and apparently, its formulation isn’t quite perfect yet, as bodies keep showing up in various parts of Alabama.

Winter At The Light
Stephen B.

HISTORICAL:  Molly McLaren is not looking forward to the loneliness as she returns to the lighthouse to help her Father when he breaks his leg. She and her Father will be the only ones on the island, and the loneliness can become difficult. When a life raft is brought in during a storm, Molly uses her nursing skills to aid the man inside, who she calls John.

Following the death of her beloved grandmother, Cookie, Addyson finds herself ensconced in her grandmother’s mansion, searching through her possessions, and talking to her grandmother’s spirit. Between crying jags, Addyson thinks of her own life and that of her grandmother. Both were psychologists and liked nothing more than to help the patients who came to them.
