Reviews - Suspense/Thriller

While a family is vacationing at Karingily National Park, a dead teenage girl is found in the caves. Detective Rick McCoy and his partner Tyler are called in by the police to figure out who killed the girl. As Rick and Tyler search the caves, six more bodies of teenage girls are found. Rick knows who can help him get into the mind of the killer, criminal psychologist Pat Holmes.

Nash Hanley, an operative for Blackthorne, Inc, and Danika Payton, an investigative reporter, find themselves occupying the same cabin in the Colorado mountains. Nash has permission to be there, Danika does not.

TECHNO THRILLER:  Su Lin appears to be an ordinary wife helping her husband run their farm in Georgia. But there's a streak of genius in her past—one she left on the other side of the world. Su Lin developed a computer code that enabled her to break into the new world of currency: bitcoin, or crypto-currency.


SPECULATIVE FICTION:  Mia Serenity Turner, a twenty-something rich kid with too much time and money, and too little affection from a father who simply cannot be bothered. Nothing in Mia’s world is quite right, but it isn’t a problem a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive cannot alleviate—at least for a little while.  And Peanut, Mia’s pet Pomeranian, doesn’t mind either.

Jack faces a nearly impossible decision and doesn't know what to do. Jack isn't sure what to do when Agent Travis turns up at the scene. Their bond is less than ideal and the tension may affect their ability to do their job.
