Recent Reviews


Jan Solvang's mother is terminally ill, so Jan decides to move home to care for her during her last months.  After her mom's death, she stays on, helping her dad as a funeral planner.  She knows she must leave soon, as her boyfriend Frank is still in Seattle...but Roman Keller steps into the picture.  Suddenly  Jan isn't so sure what she wants.  

Whiskey Sour

Addison Holmes life is falling apart.

Seasons of Love: Hearts, Hearths, and Holidays
Karen Sue Burns, Lori Leger, Alicia Dean
Trish F. Leger, Kellie Kamryn, Jessica Ferguson, Jennifer Jakes

“Seasons of Love” is a wonderful compendium of romance reads to ring in the holidays!

In Jessica Ferguson's “A Child Was Born”,  Nick Laramie goes searching for Adrianna Wheeler, his long lost love.  He finds her, but with more than just romance to become reacquainted with.

Letters to My Children

Russell Bittner writes a series of stream-of-consciousness letters to his two children, Christopher and Alexandra,  to record their years from birth to eighteen.  He wants to, “...recall, as accurately as possible, the physical, moral and cognitive development of my two children year by year, and blow by blow.”  He pens a family history that Chris and Alex can look back on as a compass about th

Hazel Baker is a nurse working for the Agency.  When they ask her to take home and nurse a field agent traumatized by capture and torture she agrees, after making sure he is no danger to her four-year-old daughter, Ellie.  While Hazel is fully confident she can heal his physical injuries, she’s not as confident she can help with his mental ones.  However, her compassionate nature compels her to
