Recent Reviews

Captain Jack Ryder

HISTORICAL:  Captain Jack Ryder and his best friend, Harry Feather, meet at the funeral for Jack’s father, the duke. Because Jack, an illegitimate son, is not really accepted by his father’s family, he decides to travel for adventure. He stops at an inn where he meets Lord and Lady Butterstone and their daughter, Lady Ashley.

Princess Snow White has horrible nightmares of seven small men torturing a lion which she sets free but then comes after her. These nightmares make it difficult to sleep. Snow’s father, the king, makes her a stuffed lion, and Snow’s nightmares are no more. When Snow gets older, she still sleeps with the lion but wonders about the forbidden forest surrounding the palace.

Willow’s Way

WOMEN'S FICTION:  Willow Armstrong is the CEO of a weight loss company Pound Busters and is caught eating food not in the diet plan. Everything has gone wrong in Willow’s life. Her husband cheating on her has caused their divorce, and Willow possibly losing her beloved company has left Willow’s life in shambles. When Willow finds a will in her deceased mother’s things, it sparks her curiosity.

The barons of England are at war with Prince John. Against this sweeping backdrop begins the tale of Belladonna, youngest daughter of the Duke of Savernake and her quest to wed Dashiell du Reims, a knight whose code of honor prevents him from acknowledging his love for the much younger maiden.

The Wayward One (De Montfortes Brothers, Book 5)
Danielle Harmon
Narrator: Wayne Farrell

HISTORICAL:  Lady Nerissa De Montfortes, youngest coddled sibling of the Duke of Blackheath, accompanies her brother Lord Andrew to a demonstration of his latest invention, an explosive that will give the Royal Navy advantage over the rebellious Americans. Before the night is through, Lady Nerissa is abducted by an Irish rogue, a Captain in the Continental Navy.
