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Isabella is the only family member to ever attend college. Her scholarship is the only way she’s made it this far. She’s set to graduate in few months, and her mentor and professor, a notorious investigative reporter whom she’s known for years gives her a final assignment that is outrageous, and her entire grade hinges on it. If she doesn’t deliver, she risks not graduating.

HISTORICAL: Esther Fitzroy, the peacemaker between her sisters, deflects another confrontation and resumes reading her book. Even Caroline’s gossip regarding the Duke of Kendal doesn’t pique her interest until Caroline’s husband, Stuart, enters the sitting room with that very man.

Velma Gone Awry

8 Ballo is a private investigator in Brooklyn, New York during the roaring 1920s. He’s hired by a wealthy German businessman to locate his daughter and have her returned home. 8 shows undeniable confidence (born the eighth child, never renamed legally, and is a highly educated man) which takes him far with the bootleggers, gangsters, and unsavory characters of the times.

Sean McPherson and Emma Benton are getting ready for their big day. Someone is determined that Sean and Emma don’t get their dream of happiness together. When an explosion causes a death and numerous injuries, Sean is determined to figure out who did it. Calling on his previous experience as a police officer, he’s determined to bring those responsible to justice.

When her life starts falling apart, Bianca Maria Curtis meets a handsome man in a Manhattan bar. The man, Eric, happens to be the famous Korean drama celebrity, Park Hyun Min. He’s in the city for a short time to escape his fame, and the two somehow come together and embark on an adventure through the streets of New York – in only twelve hours.
