Recent Reviews


Love at first sight is not something most people actually believe in. Sure, it makes for a fine story, but skeptics say that it takes time for love to grow. Anna Leyton, Interpol officer and a woman scarred by life, would probably agree with the skeptics...until she meets Freddie La Salle, and the world tilts off its axis.

The Welsh Healer

The prophecies have long foretold of a great healer who would see four kings in her lifetime, so when Arlais started showing amazing abilities it was not a surprise.  Her family is known for it’s long line of prophtic healers.  But, with the cry of “witch” being a death sentence, Arlais is forbidden to use her incredible talent.

Pursuing the Times

Mercury Lauren doesn’t want a lot, but is it really too much to ask to have her book reviewed by New York Times Book Review? It surely isn’t – her books are popular, so what if she writes Chick-Lit? It’s a great genre! Unfortunately, it seems the Editor-in-Chief of the NYTBR, Frank D’Arcangelo, doesn’t agree with her.

A Kiss for Emily

Emily Stokes is in a funk.  She’s moved to the Kansas countryside – missing senior year at her old high school, her girlfriends, and Alex, her first crush.  It’s all bad.  One day in the woods, however, she meets Sam Easley, a handsome farm boy.  Suddenly country living doesn’t seem so bad, and Emily is falling in love!  But, there’s something strange about Sam – she tastes smoke and smells a m

Into The Dark

Emilie Davis’ life has been a constant struggle to overcome her past.  With a vindictive and manipulative mother and a controlling ex-husband, she has worked hard to carve a peaceful life for herself. When a bank robbery turns deadly and an attempted kidnapping fails, Emilie is faced with the horrors of a stalker who is still determined to win his prey - her.  
