Reviews - Young Adult / New Adult

Questing for a Dream

INSPIRATIONAL:  Manitoba Cree Nadie Laplante’s family and tribe are suffering from a number of problems - some self-inflicted and others seemingly without a source.

In recognition of services performed for the Crown, Olivia Davenport is appointed as a lady-in-waiting to Queen Helen.  Although she would much rather be training with the squires, Olivia is grateful for

SCI-FI:  People of Earth are mystified when three towns in the Arctic Circle, Russia and China are destroyed.

A Fence Around Her

HISTORICAL:  It’s 1900 in Bodie, a California mining town that has seen better days. Ruth Conoboy lives with her father, head machinist at the town’s stamp mill, and her mother, who suffers because of the town’s unforgiving double standard against former whores like her.

Broken Fate (Threads of the Moirae)
Jennifer Allis

Holding people's lives in your hand is a daunting task, but when you are the third goddess of fate and your name is Atropos, it’s what you do.  Unwilling to form relationships with the humans she is charged with and eventually snipping their life thread, Atropos has lived a lonely life.  Forever encouraged to make friends, even of the human variety, by her father, Zeus, and her mother Themis, G
