Reviews - Paranormal


Saffire is a feature dancer in a men’s club. Everyone thinks the flames in her act are pyrotechnics, but that is Saffire’s secret. Her body emits blue flames whenever she gets excited. Her friend, Velvet shows up one night with two men and introduces Saffire to Shook and Rebar. Shook is single and very attracted to Saffire as she is to him.

“How much would you risk for one man?” Freyja looks like a twenty-eight-year-old redhead, but she’s actually a busy death reaper, one of many in New York City. One of her soul collection assignments was a young physician named Daxon. Drawn to the attractive and altruistic doctor, Freyja uses her rare second-chance serum to bring him back to the living, then falls in love with him.

Blood & Ravens

Greer Henshaw is a reluctant Casket Girl. She never volunteered to sail across the Atlantic from France to New Orleans to find a husband. Instead, the twenty-two-year-old flower peddler finds herself kidnapped into a boatload of young women heading to a convent that arranges marriages. Her emaciated state may be attributed to the horrible living conditions and lack of food on the ship.

Devil’s Dominion

HISTORICAL: Lady Rolayna Seville is excited to be traveling to Whitehall Abbey to marry her betrothed, Baron Rauf Oliveander, when her entourage is ambushed by Dragos, Duke of Dragonthorne. Dragos and his band of elite warriors, known as his disciples, repeatedly attest that Lady Rolayna should be grateful for their intervention and protection.

About a year ago, all hell broke loose in heiress Matilda ‘Tilly’ Ashby’s life when a supernatural assassination contract was put out on her. She only survived because the half-demon assassin, Samson, couldn’t go through with it. Now Samson has disappeared while trying to find a way to kill the incubus who accepted the contract—his father, Frank, for whom he worked.
