Recent Reviews

As King Arthur lay dying, he bestows the crown upon Constantine who is to restore Camelot, and further Arthur’s vision. Constantine’s brother, Braeden, vows to help those dreams of a new Camelot come to fruition. Together, with the new Queen Cynthia, and her companion Janne (who is also Braeden’s true love,) they will rebuild Camelot to be the majestic kingdom they know it can be.

The Courageous Heart

The Third Crusade is over, and King Richard the Lionheart has finally returned to England.  When the nobles of Windale are called to London to affirm their allegiance to the long-absent king, Joanna Dunkirke travels with them as maid and friend.  Unfortunately, Joanna’s friends have deadly enemies among King Richard’s court who conspire to have them imprisoned upon pain of death.  The only pers

Another Dawn

Luke Nolan was sitting in the electric chair for a murder that he didn’t commit when an explosion rocks the building, eradicating everything. He quickly exchanged clothes with the dead priest Fr. Salazar, so he could disguise himself. He only found one other person alive,  a doctor whom he didn’t even know. He does know that he must make sure she doesn’t realize he is an escapee.

The year is 1929 and poor farm girl Jeannette ‘Netty’ Elizabeth Smith has run away from Robert Doyle, her fine upstanding husband, successful lawyer and newly appointed county magistrate. Or is he? Netty has spent years as a prisoner in her own home suffering sexual, mental and physical abuse before she manages to escape back to her old farm.

Anticipation of the Penitent
Nancy LaRonda

Anticipation of the Penitent is literary Christian fiction about Alezea, whose son is a serial killer, supposedly the result of her unholy relationship with the Devil.  Tormented with guilt from helping her son Thomas bury his young victims, Alezea feels unclean from the Devil’s assaults, believing he has claimed her heart and soul.  She is led to the community Gabriel, where she receives lovin
