Recent Reviews

FANTASY:  Isabelle has been lied to, deceived, betrayed, and even genetically modified since birth. In a world where vampires reign and humans fight to take back their lives and homes, no one is exempt from the ravages of this harsh conflict. As humans are forced into factions and allowed to live so vampires can feed, Isabelle watches as everyone she ever held dear is brutally murdered.

PARANORMAL/HORROR:  Cain has a curse upon his head and whoever has the misfortune of killing him will receive the curse sevenfold. Lamech is that unlucky soul and with Cain’s death finds himself reawakened as a vampire. He leaves his mortal wives and is searching for something he can’t explain when he stumbles on Lilith—a promising witch—and falls in love with the maiden.

A Different Kind of Reunion

Twenty years ago, Gilda Greco was teaching eighth grade in a small Canadian town and just recently has received word of the death of one of her former students. Because of odd circumstances and a missed email, Gilda is “invited” back to the tiny corner of the world to join in on a séance to find the truth.

Seductive Surrender

Gwendolyn, with her niece and nephew, has just moved from South Carolina to Scotland after learning her nephew is the heir to a title and large inheritance. Though, because of picking up an unknown injured man from a rival clan and being outsiders, the small family is not greeted warmly when they at their new home.

Chasing Dreams

After his wife abandoned him and their daughter, Tanner Ross has decided to never fall in love again. Running a teen center and focusing on his eight-year old daughter has completely taken over his life. Izzy Harper is a professional ballerina who suffered a career-ending injury and has returned home to the small town of Cedar Hill to open her own dance studio.
