Reviews - Contemporary

CHICK-LIT:  Currently unemployed for the foreseeable future and with bills looming, Michele Nowakowski seizes the opportunity to finally use her incredible sewing skills and kick start her career.  Michele applies for the reality TV show “Made for Me”. The show has nine contestants competing for the right to design a wardrobe for Maryn Medrovovich, the soon to be princess of Montabago.

The Parking Space
Angela Christina

CHICK-LIT/HUMOR:  Helen Wright has dreamed about her wedding day all her life, but at the church her fiancé high-tails it out the back door. Not all is lost, however. She’s a talented real estate agent, and her new client could lead to a big commission. Helen’s luck turns south again when the flighty movie star turns out to be more trouble than a ticket to freedom for Helen.

Cassandra had the perfect beginning to a perfect life with the perfect man - until he is shot while on duty and ends up in a permanent vegetative state; neither dead nor alive. For six years she goes on with her life as if he will wake up any moment. She coaches her son’s soccer team and meets Matt, a widowed father of two boys of the same age.

Thanks to her recent divorce, Jillian is now free from her ex-husband and she vows to never have anything to do with singing cowboys again. Cole is one of those singing cowboys, but has his own demons. He is taking time off from his lucrative career to take care of his drinking problem. Fate has set the two of them side by side in first class on a plane.

Tokyo Love

CNF:  “Tokyo Love” is a genre that InD’tale currently does not review. 

Sarah E. Bradley


