Recent Reviews

Cloaked In Fur

Daciana (Daci) is a young wulfkin who is racing the clock to find an elixir that will rid her of her inner wolf and leave her fully human to live happily ever after with her human boyfriend, Connell.  Throw in a jealous ex-boyfriend, a murderous dracwulf, and an increasingly unstable pack leader, and it will be a mirac

The Honor of a Highlander

The year is 1297, and Rory MacKinnon is traveling to join William Wallace in the fight for Scotland’s freedom from the oppression of the English King Edward, aka Longshanks.  On the way, Rory and his men spend a couple of nights at Dunstan, and he meets the laird’s daughter, high-spirited Annella MacCallum.  Rory needs

Taming a Gentleman Spy

Lady Sibella Winborne is the only unmarried sister left among her large group of siblings.  Well past her first Season, her family is pushing her to marry and settle down, but Sibella has been holding out, hoping for an offer from her good friend and crush, the Earl of Strathairn.  Strathairn has strong feelings for Si

A Bride for the Sheikh

Angelina Smith is on holiday visiting her father in the Middle East, due to start law school upon her return to London. Her father’s business collapsed in a bad economy, which resulted in his wife leaving him and his move to find work.

Sophie Taylor is having a really bad day. The history teacher has been let go due to budget cuts, and the bank is in need of payment for a note that her father took out on the family home. He has been unreachable while in Asia on his current archeological dig.
