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Blood & Ravens

Greer Henshaw is a reluctant Casket Girl. She never volunteered to sail across the Atlantic from France to New Orleans to find a husband. Instead, the twenty-two-year-old flower peddler finds herself kidnapped into a boatload of young women heading to a convent that arranges marriages. Her emaciated state may be attributed to the horrible living conditions and lack of food on the ship.

Devil’s Dominion

HISTORICAL: Lady Rolayna Seville is excited to be traveling to Whitehall Abbey to marry her betrothed, Baron Rauf Oliveander, when her entourage is ambushed by Dragos, Duke of Dragonthorne. Dragos and his band of elite warriors, known as his disciples, repeatedly attest that Lady Rolayna should be grateful for their intervention and protection.

An ageless deity is roused when Manitac, an unscrupulous private corporation that dominates the Andromeda Galaxy, drills into the diamond core of her home inside a black dwarf star. When Ioanna (Io) wakens to find her youngest sister missing, the goddess adopts a human form to search for her.

Powerful Purples (Zadok Series, #3)
Nikki Minty
Narrators: Khristine Hvam, James Patrick Cronin & James Fouhey

YOUNG ADULT: Harlow is living with Alex/Slater to keep him placated, but her heart yearns for Jax. If she escapes, she doesn’t know what Alex will do. Every day she remains in Summer, however, is one day too many. Her kind is not welcome there.

Ruby Red (Zadok Series, #2)
Nikki Minty
Narrators: Khristine Hvam, Jodie Harris, James Patrick Cronin & James Fouhey
YOUNG ADULT: After being abandoned by Alex in the forests of Zadok, and basically left for dead, Harlow is heartbroken, confused, and determined to survive. When Jax comes to rescue her, it sets off a series of events that will forever change the world she lives in. Just being associated with him has seemed to make her enemy number one.
