Analissa (The Guardians of the Origin Trilogy)

New Adult

PARANORMAL:  Twenty year old Analissa has a tremendous job ahead of her. She has been chosen to be the leader of the Guardians of the Origin, a position that requires great strength, much training, and a soulmate to empower her. When Analissa first meets the enchanting, raven-haired Ozias, the mutual confusion of strong emotions is overwhelming. Together, they begin to accept their fated devotion and partnership. They train shoulder to shoulder day after day, and while exhausting, the two lovers learn the power they create when united can move the earth. The greatest growth, however, may come from the way they teach each other how to open up, love, and feel the emotions that may seem uncomfortable.

An intriguing and occasionally sexy read, Ms. Shanklin is back with the first book of her new trilogy. The development of the characters is engaging, as the reader learns about the strengths and flaws of each personality. It may be difficult to become engrossed at first due to the quick pace that may not seem believable. The reader must also look past the distraction of the same information being repeated several times in almost identical ways. While it is clear the love between Analissa and Ozias is written in the stars, one feels a lack of deep chemistry between the two outside of the bedroom. Despite this, the surprising plot will keep the reader on their toes, and the ending will leave them looking forward to book two.

Chelsea McDonough