Recent Reviews

Staking a Claim

Samantha Held wants nothing more than to become partner in Kolinsky's Advertising Agency. When she's asked to go to Alaska to advertise its vacation potential, she goes for it. When she needs help, she finds the gorgeous yet mean-tempered Blake Langford. Blake loves Alaska and he's not going to let Samantha use the state he loves.

SUSPENSE/THRILLER: A visit to Castle Logan in Scotland has Zoraida in awe  - and caught right in the middle of a family feud.  Her Granny did not t

SCI-FI:  Wicken and Chevelle are adjusting to how their lives have changed, but thankfully they are together.  Timber and Talia are learning how to best fit in on the ship and be of use with their talents

Annabella Beaufort is cousin to the Queen, and on her visit to Linlithgow Palace in Edinburgh she is entranced by King James' court.  When the castle comes under attack by Highlanders seeking to free thei

MOTORCYCLE CLUB:  Allie and Jace are brought together through their tangled ties to Allie's brother. Allie is Ty’s sister by birth and Jace is his brother through Hell Ryders Motorcycle Club (MC).  Allie is running from her former fiancé, who hasn't taken the break up well. Wyatt follows her to Wadden where she has nowhere left to run.
