Recent Reviews

A Chaotic Courtship

HISTORICAL:  Diana Forester is uncertain about everything, but as she reaches her twentieth year her family is more concerned with her continued single state.

Cee has always had a crush on her best friend Marcus.

Fool For You

Melanie Foster has a few goals in life: get an amazing job covering sports, transform her look from tomboy to stunning woman, and then convince her best friend Damien to see her as wife material.  Mel has made the first two, and turns her eye to the third just in time for Damien to drop a bombshell.

Years ago, Lillian’s heart broke (very publicly!) when the man of her dreams, James Cahil, got married.

Hearts Aligning

Ellie Whitaker has no idea why her grandfather insisted she remain in Saint’s Grove for so long after his death, but soon she can sell her bar and move on.
