Unbinding Love: InD'tale's Serial Mystery: Episode 2

CArolyn Ridder

I There have been days where half way through, I realized I should have never gotten out of bed. I should have buried myself under the covers, and waited for the day to pass, praying the whole time for the next day to be better.
As I cut off two cars to switch lanes, I knew this was one of those days. I dropped the F-bomb and Mel’s eyes popped open. “Rut roh,” she said. “It’s never good when you say the f-word. What’s up?”  I made a U-turn at the next light. “Mel, call Aaron and tell him to send someone to the Marx house ASAP.” “Is it Justin?” she asked. I shook my head. “His mom.” “Crap.” “Yup.” “I don’t understand,” Emma Marx said. “How did I get here?” “She look funny to you?” Ma asked. “She’s not sparkly like me.” “Emma, do you know who I am?” I asked. “You’re that woman the detective sent over.” She scanned the car. “What’s going on?” “You kicked the bucket, lady. That’s what’s goin’ on.” My mother never minced words. Emma Marx screamed—a high-pitched, ear-piercing scream.

Read this installment of the riveting story in the September 2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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