The Color of Betrayal (The Psychic Colors #2)

Jolene is a memory surgeon which means she has the amazing ability to see people’s memories, as well remove them, or transfer them to another person. She is also a recovering alcoholic who just so happens to be part of a government agency that helps take down drug cartels. Enter Cass, a very handsome man who just wants to work together with Jolene and have a platonic relationship with her. Relatively quickly, however, they are unable to keep their growing feelings inside any longer. Once they act upon those feelings, Jolene’s mission is thrown off course. Cass and Jolene are now in great danger and must keep each other safe. Will they be able to sacrifice the tasks at hand to protect each other?
“The Color of Betrayal” is a very spicy paranormal romance that readers will want to sink their teeth into. Although this is the second book in The Psychic Colors series, it can be read as a standalone, as the main characters change in each book. The shorter chapters in this book make it a very fast page-turner. The story’s concept is very intriguing and unique. The book also has very well-defined characters, gorgeously written scenes and dramatic writing that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Jolene and Cass are very strong and resilient characters and their feelings for each other are beautifully written. A very gripping and enthralling read from cover to cover, “The Color of Betrayal” is one readers won’t want to miss!
Jennifer Shepherd