Dark Wine at Death (Hill Vampire Novel Book 4)


Henry and Cerissa are still not married as the fourth installment of Jenna Barwin's epic Hill Vampire series begins. However, they once again find themselves in the middle of a perilous situation that includes assassins and secrets. Henry has information he longs to share with Cerissa, but it would mean betraying his partner. Twists and turns abound, but the ultimate question remains: will Henry and Cerissa finally get married, or will their differences get in the way and delay what should be the happiest day of their lives?

To say that Jenna Barwin has knocked it out of the park with this novel is an understatement! The characters are portrayed in such a way that readers will come to think of them as friends and will care about them all the way along the journey they undertake. An action-packed plot makes this a fast page-turner with a very sexy vampire and his smart and beautiful mate. The love scenes are spicy and intense, with fantastic imagery and description. This is an awesome addition to the Hill Vampire series. The fourth book works as a standalone but starting from the beginning of the series is a bonus for readers; the love between Henry and Cerissa is addictive and passionate. “Dark Wine at Death” is tempting, spellbinding and absolutely enchanting!

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick