Of Alliance and Rebellion (Operation: Middle of the Garden Book 4)


After eating from the Tree of Eternal Life, Max Wright has been imprisoned and tortured for nine long years, along with two of his dearest friends. His only goal is to protect himself and his fellow prisoners. When a stunningly beautiful angel appears out of nowhere, he is drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Is she there to rescue them, or something far worse?


The angel Anahita is a soldier from the Garden of Eden and has been given the mission to kill the three immortals that have been imprisoned for eating from the Tree of Eternal Life. Buthow can she kill these men when one of them is her Temptation, and desire to be with him burns bright. Then again, how can she not, when her Compulsion demands that she does. Will Temptation or Compulsion win?


Ms. Persell has vivid imagination and her story is a testament to that fact. However, this is the 4th in the series, and leaves numerous burning questions. Max is quite the yummy immortal, but Anahita seems a bit naive for an angel, and the heat between them is combustible. If one pays attention to the title, especially the Rebellion part, one would assume the story would have much more of the plot involving a rebellion, but it gets lost in the sexual aspect between the two main characters. One might also have a problem with Max and Anahita finding loopholes with their sexual antics so as not to cause Anahita to become a Fallen angel. Imagination and hot steamy story, however, make this story worth the read!


Lynne Bryant