Babies at Coconuts


WOMEN'S FICTION/ROMANTIC COMEDY:  Suzy has been a wedding planner for years, but this wedding may be her biggest test yet.  Her son, Jon, is marrying Fernando in a ceremony at the local bar that Suzy and her friends use as their place to get together.  When Fernando’s mother and brothers come in from Italy for the big day, they are surprised to find out that Jon’s high school sweetheart is pregnant with his baby and due really soon.  Suzy’s friends Hope and Alex are there to help her for the wedding, but they each have their own challenges in their lives.  Cheri lives in town part time and has recently come to learn what having a true group of girlfriends means.  As they are all living their own lives, they make time for their friendship and are a source of help and comfort to each other.

This book is about more than just a wedding and everything that goes along with such festivities.  This is really a book about friendship.  Four women from different backgrounds form a tight bond, and they rely on each other in the good times and bad.  Each woman has her own storyline which gives the reader insight into their backgrounds and how they each ended up there.  They are so different, and the way they come together and support each other through thick and thin is a testimony to how they are separately and together as a group.  The reader will be content at the end of the book, but also hoping there is another book to continue the story!  

Stephanie Shaw