Scoundrel’s Redemption (Highlander’s Pact, Book 3)

Left behind in England, Greer is a prisoner of her evil Uncle Randolph. Greer is horrified by her uncle’s recent betrothal agreement for her to marry the greedy and cruel Bartholomew. Randolph is only concerned with the prestige the marriage will bring to him. Meanwhile, in Scotland, Greer’s mother, Cecille, is plotting with Teagon to rescue Greer. In an effort to provide additional motivation, Cecille suggests Teagon should marry Greer to receive a substantial dowry, benefiting the clan. Greer insists Teagon rescue her new friends, Ada and her children, imprisoned servants of Randolph. However, Greer feels duty bound to stay behind to honor her betrothal agreement with Bartholomew, but Teagon convinces her otherwise. All escape the castle, starting their adventure to outrun both Randolph and Bartholomew as they make their way to the safety of where they dare not follow.
“Scoundrel’s Redemption” has an extraordinary plotline keeping the reader guessing till the very end when everything ties together neatly and all the mystery is explained. Teagon and Greer have both experienced traumatic events which will lead them to one another when trying times arrive again. From the beautiful Greer to the miscreant Bartholomew, the descriptions of the characters are so well-written they are easily imagined in one’s mind’s eye. The only blemish in this novel is that certain scenes drag with little action. All the characters are unique with their own quirks, and with the exception of Randolph and Bartholomew, are very endearing. Ms. Purington crafts an exceptional historical with lots of adventure. A heart pounding, epic story leaving you sitting on the edge of your seat!
Belinda Wilson