Scorned Ever More (A Lady Forsaken, #3)


REGENCY:  Andrew Penton, The Marquis of Drake, knows that he wants Lady Lorelei de La Valette the moment she appears in across the room at a ball he’s attending in London. Attraction between the two sparks in the air, unfortunately Andrew isn’t the man Lorelei is looking for - it’s his best friend Benji. Lady Lorelei comes from a family of French spies, and they enter London on a mission to retrieve a document hidden by Benji’s family. Lorelei will do anything to get her hands on the document, even ignore the one man who will make her believe in love and a future. With family, friends, and duty conspiring against them Andrew and Lorelei have to decide whether what they can offer one another is enough.

A historical romance like few others, “Scorned Ever More” is not a happy tale. Andrew and Lorelei are met with opposition at every turn. Lorelei refuses to trust Andrew with the truth, Andrew constantly falls a step behind, and then falls into bad habits that in any other books would give him his rake reputation, but would be moved past with the love of the heroine. Unfortunately, this is not a tale of Andrew’s redemption. Despite that, this is a wonderfully well written work that will suck in the reader in the same way “A Series of Unfortunate Events” won over so many readers despite the constant sad occurrences.  “Scorned Ever More” is a tale of two people trapped by circumstance whose love is reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet’s.

Sarah E. Bradley