O Night Divine: A Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales

Kathryn LeVeque, Caroline Lee, Chasity Bowlin, Hildie McQueen, Maggi Andersen, Mary Lancaster, Meara Platt, Violetta Rand, Alexa Aston, Anna Markland, Anna St. Claire,
Aubrey Wynne, Charlotte Wren, Elizabeth Ellen Carter, Elizabeth Johns, Elizabeth Keysian, Emily E K Murdoch, Emily Royal, Lynne Connolly, Maeve Greyson, Whitney Blake

This anthology features stories ranging from the battlefields and castles of Medieval Scotland to the glittering ballrooms of Regency England. Each story draws on Charles Dickens’ famous classic, “A Christmas Carol” to manifest the contentment and warmth of Christmas and the festive season within its pages.

Fans of any one of these authors will enjoy this collection of short stories from the various worlds they have created. From second chances to married couples struggling to have children, this anthology has a little bit of everything. Those who have read these authors’ other works and series will enjoy these more as they will no doubt recognize familiar characters. For those looking for a light-hearted and festive feel-good read, this is still enjoyable, even without being familiar with their other works. The stories range from light and adorable to heart-rending and poignant, with some featuring romance, and others featuring the reunion of estranged families at Christmas. Due to the length of the stories, there isn’t much time for deep character development, but that does not detract from the reader’s enjoyment. The representation of various writing styles, tropes, and settings, will appeal to many and serves as a nice introduction to several talented authors. The short length of the tales are perfect for when one can only grab a few quiet minutes to read. A delight from start to finish, “O Night Divine” is definitely a Christmas collection that must be added to one’s to-be-read list!

Niki Price