Elizabeth: Widows of Blessings Valley #1


Widow: never a tittle Elizabeth wanted, but after a mining accident takes the life of her husband, that is exactly what she has become.  Augustine moved out west in hopes of starting afresh, but also to get away from the high society women who seemed to see only his bank account.  When Elizabeth confides in her friend Willa that she needs to find a job, Willa makes it her mission to help her without letting Elizabeth know she is helping.  With determination and desperation, Elizabeth finds herself in Augustine’s office, hoping to fill the advertised position for the hotel’s seamstress, unaware of Willa’s involvement.  As Augustine and Elizabeth get to know one another, they both must face the scars of their past in order to move forward and decide whether love is actually worth risking their hearts.

This first book in the “Widows of Blessings Valley” is a slow-burn, sweet romance that will tug on readers’ heartstrings.  Elizabeth is a strong, determined heroine that most will find endearing,  someone whom they can root for to succeed. Augustine on the other hand, although a strong lead, comes off rather two-dimensional, with little depth to his character.  Ms. Douglas weaves together a thoughtful and well-written storyline, however with a rushed ended, one is denied a fully fleshed out love story. In the end, the overall experience reading Elizabeth’s story is enjoyable and may leave readers intrigued for the next book in the series. 

Amy Cefoldo