A Holiday Love Affair

Kirsten S.

NOVELLA: Lucy Mackewitz is not interested in being involved in a relationship, least of all with Evan Waldorf. Even though there is a ton of chemistry between them, she is staying as far away from him as possible - until she opts to go to his lakeside cabin for a vacation. Evan may have everything in the way of wealth, but he wants Lucy and is determined to make her his. He has the perfect opportunity when she is vacationing at his cabin. The country boy is going to make sure that the city slicker is his before the week is over.

“A Holiday Love Affair” is the story of a man wanting a woman who is trying her best to resist. Lucy is a fiery character who is determined to keep Evan at a distance, but he is just as determined to get close to her. The characters are well written and the dialogue is hot in places. There were parts of the book that lacked substance and could have done with more description. But on the whole, the plot is engaging and will keep readers entertained for an hour or two. There is quite a bit of sexual tension, steamy scenes, and a good story to boot. All in all, this is a fun novella that is a good read for those who are looking for something to do on a cold afternoon!

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick