Feel the Heat (The Bedfords Book 2)


Colt followed the family tradition of becoming a firefighter. He nearly died in a fire two years ago, and still struggles with nightmares of the incident. During a rescue mission with his partner, Colt freezes and his fears put his job in jeopardy. Amy has escaped an abusive marriage and is doing her best to raise her daughter. Amy and her daughter are rescued from a burning house by Colt and his partner. Amy seeks out Colt to thank him, and a simple thank you turns into so much more for Colt and Amy. But of course, things never go smoothly when there’s an angry, vengeful ex around…

“Feel the Heat”, the second installment in The Bedfords series, is an engaging romance with action and suspense that will have the reader hooked from the very first page! The characters are cleverly crafted, and the reader will enjoy the bond Colt develops with Emmy, and the sizzling connection he shares with Amy. The reader will appreciate the dilemma Colt faces of dating a single mother, and the boundaries that entails. H.C. Bentley takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster ride as the reader experiences all the emotions Colt and Amy feel, along with the fears, triumphs, and joys of being together as a family and learning to trust again.  This second story is easy to follow if you have not read the first book in the series. If you are a fan of a second chance at love or a good romantic suspense, “Feel the Heat” is a must read!

Victoria Zumbrum