August Blues


Annie Shaw, the daughter of a best-selling novelist, is trying to make her way in the world as a writer without help from her father’s name. But just when she is on the verge of a big break, a bad review threatens to tank her career.  Zane Barrett, a book critic,  is a cynic when it comes to romance after a tragic past of his own. When the two cross paths in the small town of Willow Springs, Vermont, there is a spark between them, but they must discover if they can overcome their own insecurities and creative differences.

In author Amey Ziegler’s “August Blues”, it’s not just blueberries that are sweet! The author weaves an irresistibly sweet story with equally intriguing protagonists. Annie, with her desire to make her way on her own and the crush of disappointment that comes when things don’t go as planned, is a character with whom just about anyone can relate. Zane begins the saga feeling a bit flat. He seems stereotypical and the details that are needed to show otherwise do ultimately redeem him, but arrive in a slightly contrived feeling fashion rather than organic. Nonetheless, the pacing clips along at the perfect speed, allowing for a light and enjoyable read. The chemistry between characters sizzles and the idyllic Willow Springs shines, leaving readers longing to learn more about the town’s residents and to visit again.

Shailyn Rogers