Unknown Protector


A year has passed since Nicole’s husband was murdered. A former cop and owner of a  PI firm, Nicole’s life is tolerable and average, except for the ability to see her guardian angel. Most people might consider that odd, but Nicole rolls with it, until within a few minutes everything she believes about life, death, heaven, hell and aliens gets very confusing. Ridge, with his southern drawl and off-white wings, comes to her rescue. He’s not a man. He’s not an angel, but he will become her savior.

In opposition to the “good book” written two thousand ago, “Unknown Protector” is a little mystery, some paranormal, a dollop of suspense, a thick layer of thriller and seared with sexual tension. Once the first page is turned, the time line is tight, which helps when a couple of unexpected POV shifts throw the reader. The plot evolves with radical twists branching from contemporary teachings of the spiritual world. Nicole’s character swings a little too much from competent and composed to dropping to the ground and weeping in several scenes, but considering what she’s up against, who wouldn’t? The author takes a bold chance when the hero physically abuses the heroine. There’s an explanation for it, but it may not be enough even for seasoned readers. The secondary characters fall into place nicely and intimate future story lines. 

Although “Unknown Protector” uses history as a springboard, the tale is revolutionary with extreme creativity. There’s a gritty resemblance to the movie “Constantine” where angels don’t play harps, they play with mankind.

Natasza Waters