The Freedom To Write


I often think about freedom of speech, and what that means for me and our society. My world grows through the ideas and stories of others. I have discovered places, ideologies, and lives through books, which I would never have been able to experience directly.  I think about how often history is told through the unbalanced viewpoint of the victors alone, and how disgraceful actions in the past are so often ignored or glossed over. I cringe when I see lists of banned books, and go through to see which have been included, this time.
Invariably, there are always a few on the list I love or have learned from. It makes me so sad for the youth who won't get to read them, at least not yet. What gives me hope is that those books are still available to those who seek them out. And that is inspiring, for those who seek knowledge are bound to find it.
You might wonder how this relates to Indie Publishing. We have the freedom of speech, and Indie Publishing gives ALL voices a platform from which to be heard. So often I hear writers express frustration with agents and traditional publishing: "I got a rejection letter. They loved my writing and the storyline, but it’s not the popular genre right now. They’re going to pass but wish me luck."
Traditional publishers are gatekeepers. Their acceptance of your work lies heavily in your writing’s perceived marketability, it's commercial viability. Oftentimes, they avoid contentious or controversial subjects. We are living in the height of “cancel culture” and there are very real consequences to promoting unpopular or controversial opinions and work.
But, *your* voice is important. Whether you’re writing a memoir, fiction, a children’s book, or non-fiction, you can contribute to how our world is perceived. Your ideas matter.
I also want to emphasize, even ideas which I find offensive or hateful *do* matter. It is through understanding the background and foundations of those viewpoints that we can begin to work to overcome them.
How can you ensure your voice is heard?
Indie Publishing gives you the freedom to say what you need to say without all the rules and gatekeepers.

Read the entire article in the July/August 2021 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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