First World Problems


So I'm in the office of our new home.  I'm surrounded by some of my favorite things:  books, my wedding bouquet, more books, photos of my family, my favorite reading chair, a couple of books signed by the author, drawings done for me by my kids, all of my Stephen King books... there is even a shelf specifically for all of my 1970s historical romances (those babies have become quite fragile with the passage of time, with broken spines and loose pages).  What am I doing, you ask?  I am sitting in front of my laptop, trying to come up with my monthly dose of witty words and wisdom, hopefully with a bit of a tie-in to romance.  And, as usual, brilliance is a slow train coming.  I shouldn't say I'm doing nothing, exactly.  The subject has been chosen, the title submitted, and now all I have to do is to begin.  Which is exactly my problem.  I've written about this once before - in fact, the issue of not having a subject for my column BECAME the subject of my column. This month, however, things are a little bit different.
In case anyone remembers I was missing from the pages of InD'Tale last month.  Without boring everyone with a laundry list of everything that the Grants were dealing with, I will summarize by saying this: Over the past five months we've soldiered through a checklist of stress-inducing situations that all make the Top 10 internet lists - right behind death and divorce.

Read the entire article in the September  2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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