Archetyping: The Siren

St. Angeles

Just as the new “Avengers” movie was released into theaters, an author friend of mine asked her friends on Facebook which of the Avengers we liked the most. My answer was instantaneous. Black Widow. Don’t get me wrong, a bare-chested Captain America, delving into my soul with those fantabulous eyes, would cause a schoolgirl blush of epic proportions, but my archetyping-self would have to vote for my girl. Oftentimes, Scarlett Johansson’s roles are that of a Siren, but her portrayal of Natasha Romanoff is one of my favorite. Yes, her kick-A skills are unparalleled, but with her indomitable powers of persuasion, she doesn’t have to lift a finger. With a few dramatic words and wounded glances, she has a Norse god eating out of her hand. Straight up, yo! So what does the Siren archetype entail?

Read the entire article in the September 2015 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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