Who We Were

Young Adult

Sadie Peters has known and looked out for Lily Chavez since they were both in first grade. When Sadie takes a summer class at the other school in Laurel Lakes to earn credits toward her senior year of high school, she realizes that she also has a chance to start with a clean slate reputation-wise. In the parking lot, she literally runs into Nash Rylan and at lunch, Nash introduces her to his fraternal twin Nolan, and Oliver. She finds both brothers attractive. However, Oliver is a different story. She is surprised when Oli’s charm works on Lily. Kyleigh, a classmate and new friend, warns Sadie of his reputation. 


The characters are well developed; with both physical and/or psychological flaws. The dialogue is representative of the way today’s youth speaks, which some readers may find abrasive. If it were not for numerous editing errors, the book would be a fast read for those in their late teens, though the writing style – with repetition of sentiments – seems geared towards younger readers than the content would suggest. Overall, this book is a study in the confusing roller coaster ride that is teenage life. The plot has its twists and turns, but Sadie keeps her head on straight for the most part and hopes that those she cares about find her in the end.


Heather R. Nielsen