Whispering Symmetry

Young Adult

SCI-FI:  "Whispering Symmetry" is a collection of interwoven short sci-fi stories that explore ideas of philosophy, religion, and societal trends using characters of various ages and in multiple point of views, set in the not-so-distant future.  A technological innovator discovers her Robot Butler is more than he appears. Time is unlocked with a surprising twist. The people of the future attempt to send messages to the past to manipulate history. A man discovers what really is waiting after death. A virtual reality game becomes more real than virtual. And a message from the future gives details about what will be.


An interesting collection of Sci-fi stories. Arya manages to dig into deep ideas about the possible future and where society is headed now, despite the short length.  In fact, the collection will leave readers wishing some of the stories were longer!   Each piece explores the ideas at a steady pace so anyone can follow it, adds a bit of drama or tension, and leaves the reader willing the characters to make a different choice or cheering them on. Although there was an awful lot of information dumping and no romance in the stories at all, anyone seeking hard sci-fi will love them.  Even readers not normally interested in this genre will find it interesting, particularly the first story about the innovator and her choices that lead up to the robot and what happens after.

Sarah E Bradley